I have been part of StitchTalk , which is a FB group for Stitching Challenges focusing on patterns from Heaven and Earth Designs ( HAED) . I have participated for the past year and Half. I have a habit of adjusting the challenge to give myself enjoyment and avoid burn out. Recently these challenges have a prize element but i chose to stitch along but not for the prized. The ultimate goal is work on the Large projects and make progress. A stitch is one stitch closer to finish. Finishing a HAED is not quick process. It is more like Marathon. I am crazy enough to have 4 HAED in my rotation. I might be lucky to finish two of them by time Oliver goes to College in ten years those are the smaller ones.
This year's challenge is year long challenge called Stitch Around the world.
For the Stitch Around the World Challenge , I have been working on Heaven and Earth Designs A Stitch in Time Ornament. I have changed this challenge from a daily challenge to a weekly challenge. I have deviant from the original challenge as posted in StitchTalk. I am still enjoying my journey.
Here is my starting point as of Jan 1 , 2019
Here is the progress after completing Leg 1 London to Paris which was completed on Jan 3.2019
Here is the progress after completing Leg 2 Paris to Turin ( 775 Stitches) which was completed on Jan 5, 2019
Here is the progress after completing Leg 3 Turin to Brindisi ( 1115 Stitches) which was completed on Jan 15,2019
Here is the progress after completing Leg 4 Brindisi to Suez ( 3727 Stitches) which was completed on March 25,2019
The next leg of the journey Leg 5 Suez to Aden (2999 Stitches) .
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.
I hope everyone finds time to craft and read each week.
Hugs , Cathi